Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Marques Houston "Date" Video Premiere

"Date" is the second (third if "Sunset" counts...) of 12 videos to come from Marques Houston's upcoming album Mr. Houston (September 29th). Ya, he's releasing a video for every track on his new album, which might be a first (like they are claiming), though it's not an original idea. The forthcoming clips might be good for promo, but it definitely explains the, well, crappy quality of them, so far at least. This one does nothing for me--that includes the song. In fact, considering "all songs [are] written & produced by Marques" this time around, I'm not expecting anything innovative because I just don't think that, for the most part, R&B singers can't come up with something that's on a different level if they don't branch out & work with people who will help them grow as an artist. Don't get me wrong: I'm rooting for Marques, which is why I do the best I can to promote him here, but I'm also not gonna accept mediocrity silently.

[Source, Source]

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