Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Leona Lewis Performs "Forgive Me" In Italy

Leona Lewis performed one of her recent European singles "Forgive Me" again on an Italian show that I won't even begin to try to spell the name of. Leona's people must hate us over here in the US because despite the fact that "Forgive Me" was recorded specifically for the US release of her debut album Spirit, we are still stuck listening to "Better In Time" while Europe gets the song as a single. Anywho, I just love the beginning of this video when Leona comes out for a short interview with the host, who is an awfully strange woman. First, she tells Leona to "slow down!" LOL & then just abandons the poor, confused songstress in the middle of the stage ... to go introduce her again. Gotta love it!

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